If every person stopped eating meat and dairy for just one day a week, it would be the equivalent of removing 7.6 million cars from the road, or not driving 91 billion miles. That is incredible. Seems simple, right? Well the good news is that it truly is (simple)! And here I highlight why it matters […]
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Category: Environment & Sustainability
An Urban Walk on the Wild Side
Winter is lingering over here in Massachusetts, and even though this past Saturday was grey, grim and wet, this did not deter a few of us to go out and track the wildlife of our very urban neighborhood. And what did we catch? No less than coyotes, foxes and more… I went out just a mere […]
About Conservation Ethics
The Handbook of Conservation & Sustainability Ethics by John A. Vucetich My rating: ✮✮✮✮ of 5 stars We shouldn’t be dissuaded from engaging in a conservation ethical discourse for fear that it might not be adequately effective. We should rather embrace it because thinking carefully about how we ought to behave is simply the right […]
What Nature Gives Us
“There is no question that Earth has been a giving planet. Everything humans have needed to survive, and thrive, was provided by the natural world around us: food, water, medicine, materials for shelter, and even natural cycles such as climate and nutrients. Scientists have come to term such gifts ‘ecosystem services’, however, the recognition of […]