β€œI went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” β€” Henry David Thoreau

The EwA guides and etiquettes† cover a great deal of information about wildlife watching and, nature & wildlife conservation travel and volunteering. These guides provide essential details to help you research and assess any wildlife and/or conservation opportunities. They also prepare you to live and promote a relevant volunteering or wildlife touring experience.

Here, for the benefit of the first-time volunteer, the  EwA Basics of Wildlife & Nature Volunteering pulls together some useful information based on questions that we get asked a lot, as well as it helps the reader navigate the EwA guides and etiquettes.

First Time Nature Volunteering? We’ve got you covered!

⏸ Before we start, remember that volunteering should be treated like a job. You may have paid money to do it, but you are committing your time, skills, and energy to a purpose. The organizations that are hosting you for the time of a mission depend on your help and work. Also, don’t expect the comforts of your home and do expect the unexpected. Respect their way of life.

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