Taking pictures for the purpose of species identification is different than taking souvenir pictures or producing a perfect art shot. To avoid the disappointment of not being able to identify later that amazing plant or creature you found because you did not photograph the correct part, here are a few tips to get the right identification shots.


The EwA Guide to Getting Good Pictures for Identification

Taking β€˜Ethical’ Photos β–  Taking Identifiable Photos  β–  Species-specific Photography

Taking β€˜Ethical’ Photos


✧  Be a safe and respectful naturalist β€” do not touch animals or poisonous plants, and stay on trails.

✧  Watch where you step! When you’re taking photos, it’s easy to trample other plants without noticing.

✧  If you’re visiting parks or wild area, go prepared having read the EwA Wildness Etiquette  and any focused etiquette particular to the habitat(s) and species that you are likely to encounter.

Taking Identifiable Photos


✧ Make sure your camera (or phone) location πŸ“function is on, to record exact location (latitude and longitude) of the photo

✧ Get close, but not too close. Plants are hard to id from far away. However, when it comes to animals, respect the wildlife and keep your distance. That’s where a camera with a good zoom is much better than a smartphone. Use that zoom!

✧ Avoid contact with live wildlife, and never touch a dead animal

✧ Know the limitations of your camera. The use of digital cameras has made photography easier by allowing you to see your photo before you leave the area. It doesn’t make things easier when the animal is only around for a couple of seconds!

  • Many fixed focus (point-and-shoot) cameras cannot focus closer than three or four feet. Read your instruction manual to be sure. Make sure you know how to focus your camera on closer objects. Even some smartphone cameras can take excellent close-up photos.
  • A flash can greatly increase your chances of getting a useful photograph, except that the flash will reflect off of any wet surfaces and eliminate some of your intended subjects. Take multiple photos and submit the best.

✧ Catching details with your phone. Phone macro photo is fun and possible. Go for it! To get close-up photos of small details there are now many great and inexpensive options. Search for β€˜cheap macro lenses smartphone’ on the web and you’ll get thousands of choices!

✧ Take photos that are sharp and in focus.

✧ Usually, several pictures will be better than one (different angles, different views)

✧ When possible, try to take photos that are well-lit (sun in your back)

✧ Keep it simple. Choose angles and lighting that make the details easy to see.

✧ It’s not about art. Keep β€œart photos” and β€œidentification photos” separate. Unusual lighting and interesting angles make great art, but they also make it hard to identify species. Take your art shots, then take some simple shots for identification.

✧ Don’t forget to take photos of the habitat / surrounding environment

✧ Be sure to include in your field notes the date, location, and comments regarding any photographs you take.

✧ Tweak your photos. Think about cropping your picture to focus on the species. Sharpen your picture to reveal details. Increase the contrast to show the true color of the subject, or improve a washed picture.

Species-specific Photography β€” The Details


πŸ¦… Birds

Remember that respecting the habitat and the bird’s welfare is the number one ethical rule for anyone enjoying the activity of birding or photography. [More β†’ the EwA Birding Etiquette]


  • the entire bird as well as in relation to its surrounding to have a sense of size
  • side view and close-ups of head, beak, feet are identification keys
  • its habitat: this is an important identification key for hard to identify bird species


Think about taking video snaps of what they are doing. Bird behavior helps a lot in the process of identification, as a bird can behave in very unique ways depending on its species.

Chances are that you might even catch a call or a song in the process. And when it comes to birds, soundscapes are golden for distinguishing among hard to identify species within bird families. Finches and sparrows are perfect illustrations of this!

Here, for example, are the songs of 2 sparrows that can be hard to identify from afar: a chipping sparrow and an American tree sparrow. Do you hear the difference?

  • Head: Rusty cap, white stripe over eye, black line through eye
  • Breast: Plain, no streaks or dark central spot
  • Head: Rusty cap, the bill is dark above and yellow below
  • Breast: Plain with a dark central spot

Birding Tips:

  • Walk slowly. Don’t sneak up: it is a predator behavior that will stress the bird and get it on alert.
  • Stay at a distance & zoom in. Like any other animals, distance is key. Being too close stresses the bird, and even might trigger alarm behavior. Use your camera zoom instead.
  • Don’t focus on the bird: the camera zoom can be perceived as a threat. Take your time, once the bird realizes that you β€˜are safe’, it will relax.
  • Bird in flight! Use the β€œsports” or β€œcontinuous shots” mode of your camera. If your camera has a viewfinder, use it: it’s easier to follow a bird this way. Point your camera at the bird getting it in the middle of the viewfinder or screen. Using your whole body – not just your neck and shoulders – follow the bird trying to keep it in the center. And… press the shutter! Hold that shutter down (in continuous mode). πŸ“· Example: Clear snap of a Red-tail hawk in flight Β»

Quick Note about Unethical Bird Photography

Some photographers indulge in unethical practice pictures for the purpose of getting β€œbetter” pictures. Such practices include baiting (attract a bird with food), flushing (chasing, brusque movement to get another angle photo of the bird), interrupting what the bird is doing (to entice the bird to move to have another shot)… All these constitute unacceptable behavior going against our etiquette and the recommendations of experts.

🌺 Non-woody Plants

🌳 Trees & Shrubs

πŸ„ Fungi

🐿️ Mammals

🐝 Insects & Spiders

🦎 Amphibians & Reptiles

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β—Š Note that this Guide is and will remain a work in progress. If there is anything else you would like to see added, please let us know and we’ll do our best to include it. Let’s be Earthwise Aware. Let’s enjoy and protect wildlife responsibly! Thanks for your support!