Heavy snowfall might at first seem like an inconvenience, or even threat, to wildlife. In actuality, snow accumulation is essential to the winter survival of many species. This February’s Forest Exploration shed light on the many benefits of the snowpack (layered snow buildup) from temperature regulation to protection from predators. In addition to exploring life […]
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Tag: Botany
Forest Explorations — January in the Fel
In addition to the usual emphasis on ecology, this January’s Forest Exploration introduced an additional focus: geology. Alongside Claire O’Neill, EwA naturalist Tom Eid shared his knowledge of geology and natural history. As some of you may know, the word “fell” itself is a reference to the reservation’s geology; a fell is a high, rocky, […]
Forest Explorations — December in the Fe
Winter is for me a moment in time when I naturally delve into forest details that escaped my attention all the other seasons. This time, I had planned to spend more time looking for birds, but as often is the case, I got distracted by something else that popped along the path: arthropod signs, mammal […]
Forest Explorations — November in the Fe
After an unusually dry summer, it was a relief to see a wealth of fungi during this November’s Forest Exploration walk. Last month, conditions were too parched to support much fungi life, but this Saturday we spotted an abundance of them including Amber Jelly fungus, Brown-toothed Crust Fungus, as well as minuscule ones hidden in […]
Forest Explorations — October in the Fel
This October’s Forest Exploration was marked by reminders of the current drought. This summer and fall have been extremely dry; last month our group noted prematurely fallen, unripe acorns, and this month an especially thick layer of moistureless leaf litter crunched underfoot. Fungi were scarce and the mushrooms we did spot were clearly parched. Despite […]
Forest Explorations — September in the F
Early fall at the Fells bears signs of the changes to come. Leaves are beginning to take on warmer hues and the summer’s fruits are largely finished. While some of nature’s activities are winding down, others, such as bird migration, pick up during this time of year. During our walk, we enjoy heightened bird activity […]
Forest Explorations — August in the Fell
Summer is beginning to wind down in the Fells. This season has been especially dry; premature, still-green acorns litter the ground around us and the vernal pools we pass are parched. Still, there is no shortage of interesting natural phenomena to explore. Our group moves at a leisurely pace, delighting in flora and fauna of […]
Forest Explorations — July in the Fells
The Fells offers exciting natural finds year round, but July is an especially active time of year for both flora and fauna. Plants have reached peak foliage with some bearing ripening fruit. Insects pupae are hatching and dragonflies skim the surface of water bodies. Every few feet, our group pauses to inspect the ferns, fungi, […]
Forest Explorations — February in the Fe
It’s easy to think of February as a time when there is little to see outdoors. It’s cold and grey and muddy, if not snowy. But if it seems so, perhaps you need only look more closely… Once a month, Laura and Claire lead a biodiversity walk in the Fells. It’s a free form activity […]
Forest Explorations — January in the Fel
I have such mixed feelings about the unseasonably beautiful weather we had for our walk this weekend. On the one hand, it was absolutely delightful to be out in near-60 degree weather. On the other, it’s awfully worrying that we have such days at all in January. Once a month, Laura and Claire lead a […]