Winter is a great time to learn to read wildlife signs and explore the wonderful stories of those who live at and around the Lusitania meadow. For instance, have you ever noticed that small mound of sticks at Black’s Nook? This is likely to be the winter hut of a little mammal. That shelter had […]
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Tag: Fresh Pond
Fresh Pond Almanac—March at the Meadow
In March, conditions will make the gradual and uneven transition from harsh winter to muddy spring at Fresh Pond. March brings the onset of new plant growth for the year and the final stretch of food scarcity for the reservation’s overwintering animals before the relative bounty of April and the summer months beyond. The shift […]
2021 City Nature Challenge
Ready for the 2021 City Nature Celebration? We Surely Are! Between April 30th and May 3rd, hundreds of cities worldwide will be celebrating Nature and gather observations of species found in our area with the help of all who want to participate in the worldwide 2021 City Nature Challenge (CNC). Such events are known as […]
2020 City Nature Challenge
Ready for the 2020 City Nature Celebration? We Certainly Are! Between April 24th and 27th, hundreds of cities worldwide will be celebrating Nature and gather observations of species found in our area, and engage the most people in the worldwide 2020 City Nature Challenge (CNC). Such events are known as Bioblitz events. 🆕 While past […]